Maybe you have come across the e-book Google Wealth Wizard as you've searched the 'net. Kenny Thompson Oboh, the author of Google Wealth Wizard, has put together a great marketing campaign. That is nice, but can the Google Wealth Wizard deliver and make you money$%:

Let me issue a clear warning to anyone thinking of starting an AdWords campaign: be conservative. Let me add (with great emphasis), be very conservative. That comes from direct experience, and from someone who has been stung.

I bought the Google Wealth Wizard and read it very carefully. I'm conservative by nature and before I started paying for clicks I wanted to make sure I knew what I was doing.

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Even with my cautious approach, I still lost money. Not a lot, but enough that had me re-thinking the value of the Google Wealth Wizard.

I can also be very determined. I went back to the Wealth Wizard for another try. I took notes and paid great attention to each and every detail Oboh discusses in his book. This go-round I crossed every "T", dotted every "I".

One tip I will put forth: when writing your ads for your AdWords campaigns, don't go overboard with the sales language. Avoid making outlandish promises in your ads. Customers aren't stupid. They know when the carnival barker is shouting at them. What do most people do when they hear the carnival barker$%: That's right. They walk on by.

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Instead, be descriptive with your ads. Use action verbs. Action verbs are the colors you'll use to brighten your ads and make them more vivid to your potential customer.

If you'll do this and closely follow the other techniques in Oboh's Google Wealth Wizard, you can make money. I'm proof of that.

After my slow start, I went back and refined by ads according to the Google Wealth Wizard, using more descriptive action verbiage, and in the third week I pulled in $144. More refinement and in week four-five, after paying for my campaigns I had earned almost $300.

Is that enough money to pay for the kids college fund$%:

Hardly, but in my world anything in the black is a winner. That's a no-brainer. And, you can bet I'm going to be putting up more campaigns in weeks ahead, using the methods taught by Oboh in the Google Wealth Wizard.

I recommend the Google Wealth Wizard to anyone looking to make money line. But, do not forget my words of caution: proceed very slowly and carefully, initially spending a minimum amount on your ads. And, use action/descriptive verbiage whenever possible.

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